We make our own class alphabet every year with words generated by the students. We post this alphabet in our room and then use it to make a class book for the following year's class to see.
One of our first writing experiences this year as a whole group. During our "All About Me" unit we labeled a person using phonetic spelling.
We do several cooking activities throughout the year. On this particular day we made a "Friendship Fruit Salad". We used phonetic spelling to list the ingredients as we added them. The children drew pictures to illustrate our recipe chart. We hung it in the housekeeping area for students to reference when they pretended to "cook".
Another class alphabet. Though we wrote several words, we only illustrated and posted one on our final chart.
Writing about snowman adventures using a combination of phonetic spelling and sight words / early January.
"I would invite my friends over to catch my snowman and I would have my snowman."
Making predictions: The children came up with and wrote the title of the chart. Each child got a post-it note during to record their prediction on.
After working on word patterns the previous week with clothespin word clips, this child made up her own word patterns during literacy centers.
These girls used some flannel word pieces to make sentences that they read to each other during morning literacy center time.
A retelling of The Gingerbread Girl done on the smart board as a group and then printed for a class book. We used a combination of letter sounds and sight words to write this story. Teacher simply acted as a recorder to type the letters / phrases that the students dictated into Smart Notebook.
Some of our class books~
Our January Collaborative Project. The children had to work together in small groups to make a life sized penguin. Each child had to sign up for a "job" as part of the penguin project. When the project was complete, we used the same smart board writing method to record the steps in completing the project. We posted our writing above our penguin display.
At the beginning of the year the children work on their cutting and color matching skills to make a "Color Poster". We display half of these in our room for our color chart and we use the other half to make a class book with basic sight words.